CSS Political Science-I Past Papers MCQs 2016

Q1: The course of Athenian education was divided into
A: Three stages
B: Four stages
C: Five stages
D: None of these
Q2: The founder of communism is:
A: Plato
B: Karl Marx
C: Mao-Tse-Tung
D: None of these
Q3: According to Plato the papulation of an ideal state should be
A: 5040
B: 50400
C: 50040
D: None of these
Q4: KEEMYA-E-SAADAT was written by
A: Niazam-ul-Mulk Toosi
B: Imam Ghazali
C: Allama Iqbal
D: None of these
Q5: Dr.Allama Mohammed Iqbal did his MA in Philosophy from Govt. College Lahore in
A: 1890
B: 1895
C: 1899
D: None of these
Q6: A History of Political Theory, was written by
A: ST Jones
B: GH Sabine
C: Gettle
D: None of these
Q7: What is the total number of states of USA?
A: 48
B: 52
C: 50
D: None of these
Q8: Article 58 2(b) was invoked to dissolve National Assembly of Pakistan
A: Four times
B: Three times
C: Twice
D: None of these
Q9: Despotism means
A: Rule of individual based on law
B: Rule of Individual without law
C: Democracy
D: None of these
Q10: The regimes, like Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Soviet Union under Stalin are example of
A: Authoritarian rule
B: Totalitarian rule
C: Liberal democracy
D: None of these
Q11: Alexander of Macedonia was student of
A: Socrates
B: Plato
C: Aristotle
D: None of these
Q12: Tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely is the famous quotation by
A: Lord Curzon
B: Winston Churchill
C: Lord Acton
D: None of these
Q13: Perestroika means
A: To speak openly and honestly
B: Restructuring or Reforming
C: Workers
D: None of these
Q14: Materialistic interpretation of history was propounded by
A: Stalin
B: Lenin
C: Karl Mars
D: None of these
Q15: Plato was a
A: Realist
B: Idealist
C: Rationalist
D: None of these
Q16: The concept of Separation of powers in US constitution was taken from
A: J.S. Mill
B: Montesquieu
C: Burke
D: None of these
Q17: Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah died at
A: Quetta
B: Rawalpindi
C: Hyderabad
D: Karachi
Q18: How many are the members of the security council
A: 19
B: 09
C: 27
D: 15
Q19: Who is called the Intellectual Father of the French Revolution
A: Rousseau
B: Montesquieu
C: Napoleon
D: None of these
Q20: Principle of Utility as a formula was the idea of
A: James Mill
B: Herbert Spencer
C: Jeremy Bentham
D: None of these

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