CSS Political Science-I Past Papers MCQs 2017

Q1: Who gave separation of power theory?
A: Thomas Hobbes
B: Montesquieu
C: John Locke
D: None of these
Q2: Who mid man is a political animal?
A: Aristotle
B: Rousseau
C: Plato
D: Hobbes
Q3: Who coined the term political science?
A: Rousseau
B: Plato
C: Aristotle
D: Hobbes
Q4: Who wrote ahkam e sultaniya?
A: Al Farabi
B: Al Mawardi
C: At Ghazali
D: None of these
Q5: Who among the following gave social contract theory?
A: Thomas Hobbes
B: Montesquieu
C: John Locke
D: None of these
Q6: French civil law is based on whose teachings?
A: Thomas Hobbes
B: Montesquieu
C: John Locke
D: Napoleon
Q7: Number of articles in Turkish constitution? (a) (b) (c)
A: 177
B: 173
C: 174
D: 172
Q8: In Turkish 1961 constitution, names of 2 legislatures were
A: National Assembly and Provincial Assembly
B: National Assembly and senate
C: Provincial Assembly and senate
D: None of these
Q9: According to Allama Iqbal ijtihad could be done by?
A: Ulma e Akram
B: Legislative Assembly
C: Bureaucrats
D: None of these
Q10: If people are diverse and autocratic, which form of government should be opted?
A: Feoeral and constitution
B: Federal and Presidential
C: Covemment and constitution
D: None of these
Q11: Their power from?
A: Federal and constitution
B: Federal and Presidential
C: Government and constitution
D: None of these
Q12: Allama Iqbal became member of Punjab assembly in:
A: 1922
B: 1924
C: 1926
D: 1927
Q13: Number of citizen of a state according to Plato:
A: 5000
B: 4050
C: 5040
D: 5620
Q14: American Constitution passed on which date?
A: Sept 17, 1785
B: Sept 17, 1786
C: Sept 17, 1787
D: Sept 17, 1788
Q15: In 1701, which English act of independence of judiciary was passed?
A: Slavery Act
B: Settlement Act
C: Albert Act
D: None of these
Q16: World`s oldest constitution is:
C: Greece
D: India
Q17: Presidential system employs which doctrine?
A: Separation of Power
B: Doctrine of Power
C: Doctrine of judiciary
D: None of these
Q18: Powerful judiciary first time in which country?
A: France
B: India
Q19: Communist dictatorship idea given by?
A: Lenin
B: Karl Marx
C: Mao ze Dong
D: None of these
Q20: Mao ze Dong revolution was known as?
A: Industrial Revolution
B: Cultural Revolution
C: Rose Revolution
D: None of these

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