CSS Political Science-I Past Papers MCQs 2018

Q1: Marx and Engels produced the famous book Communist Manifesto in
A: 1848
B: 1845
C: 1883
D: None of these
Q2: Montesquieu by birth belonged to
A: Germany
B: England
C: France
D: None of these
Q3: A Bi-cameral legislature is most suited to
A: Unitary states
B: Federal states
C: Theocratic states
D: None of these
Q4: Which of the following are elements of Marxism?
A: Concept of surplus value
B: Dialectical Materialism
C: Doctrine of class struggle
D: All of these
Q5: Aristotle was famous student of:
A: Anaxagoras
B: Hermes
C: Socrates
D: None of these
Q6: Plato wrote the famous book:
A: Leviathan
B: The Republic
C: The clouds
D: None of these
Q7: When did Machiavelli die?
A: 1469 AD
B: 1527 AD
C: 1523 AD
D: None of these
Q8: The concept of justice in the sense of greatest happiness of the greatest number was postulated by:
A: Mark
B: James Mill
C: Spencer
D: None of these
Q9: Liberal Democracy means:
A: Government by majority
B: Government by people
C: Limited majority rule
D: None of these
Q10: The doctrine of proportionate equality was pronounced by:
A: Aristotle
B: Rousseau
C: Marx
D: None of these
Q11: GENERAL WILL as a concept was introduced by
A: Rousseau
B: Hobbes
C: Locke
D: None of these
Q12: The center of Learning to the Greeks was the city state of
A: Sparta
B: Athens
C: Carthage
D: None of these
Q13: \"Two treatise on civil Government was written by
A: Thomas Hobbes
B: Montesquieu
C: John Locke
D: None of these
Q14: Allama Iqbal characterized as \"the sharp agent of devil\" to a political philosopher namely
A: Chanki Kutalia
B: Machiavelli
C: Karl Marx
D: None of these
Q15: The concept of sovereignty was introduced for the first time into politics by
A: Hugo Grotious
B: Jean Bodin
C: Thomas Hobbes
D: None of these
Q16: The great but ungrateful pupil of his master who was born in 384 BC was
A: Plato
B: Aristotle
C: Socrates
D: None of these
Q17: \"An essay Understanding\" was published in 1690, is the most important work of concerning Human
A: JS. Mil
B: Bentham
C: Thomas Hobbes
D: John Locke
Q18: The sovereignty in Islamic Political System belongs to:
A: Majlis-e-Shura
B: Caliph
C: Muslim population
D: Alah
Q19: It is normally the technique of pressure groups to impress the legislature:
A: Canvassing
B: Lobbying
C: Propaganda
D: None of these
Q20: Modern Political thought begins with:
A: Machiavelli
B: Moutesquieu
C: Mill
D: None of these

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