CSS Political Science-I Past Papers MCQs 2021
Q1: The theory of Surplus Value ‘as a part of communistic philosophy was the contribution of:
A: Karl Marx
B: Trotsky
C: Fredrick Angel
D: Ricardo
Q2: The Art of War is written by:
A: Mao
B: Machiavelli
C: Lenin
D: None of these
Q3: Who was the author of Pirpur Report?
A: Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
B: Abdul Kalam Azad
C: Syed Amir Ali
D: Raja Syed Muhammad Mehdi
Q4: Who suggested the title of \"The Quad-e-Azam?
A: Maulana Mazharuddin Shaheed in 1938 at Patna
B: Abdul Kalam Azad in 1938 at Patna
C: Syed Amir All in 1938 at Patna
D: Raja Syed Muhammad Mehdi in 198 at Patna
Q5: The English Constitution is a organism.
A: Living
B: Dead
C: Rigid
D: None of these
Q6: The Stalin Constitution had created \"a ....... inform but not in fact”.
A: Cabinet
B: State
C: Government
D: Judiciary
Q7: \"Reconstruction of Religion Thoughts in Islam is written by
A: Syed Amir All
B: Allama Iqbal
C: Hamid Ahmad
D: None of these
Q8: Author of the Book Spirit of Islam\" is
A: Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
B: Abdul Kalam Azad
C: Syed Amir Ali
D: None of these
Q9: Who said \"Law is the command of a determinate sovereign\"?
A: John Austin
B: Laski
C: Bentham
D: None of these
Q10: \"Only the will of the sovereign can be the source of law\". Who said it?
A: John Hobbes
B: John Austin
C: Groutious
D: None of these
Q11: Fascism as a theory originated in
A: Germany
B: Russia
C: Italy
D: None of these
Q12: Simla delegation was led by
A: Sir Agha Khan
B: Sir Sayyed
C: Maulana Shibli Noamani
D: None of these
Q13: Iqtisad-Fil-Itiqnd\" was written by
A: Al-Mawardi
B: Al-Farabi
C: Al-Ghazali
D: None of these
Q14: Pakistan became Republic in
A: 1947
B: 1949
C: 1956
D: None of these
Q15: The Electoral College in US comprises:
A: 535 Electors
B: 538 Electors
C: 541 Electors
D: None of these
Q16: The word \"polis\" means
A: Civilized people
B: Form of government
C: A city state
D: None of these
Q17: Quaid e Azam joined Muslim League in the year
A: 1913
B: 1914
C: 1917
D: None of these
Q18: \"Muqaddamah\" was the great work of
A: Ibn Khuldun
B: Al Maawardi
C: Nizam-ul-Mulk
D: None of these
Q19: Jean Jacques Rousseau was born at
A: London
B: Paris
C: Geneva Who
D: None of these
Q20: Who became the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress?
A: Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
B: Abdul Kalam Azad
C: Syed Amir Ali
D: Badruddin Tyabji