CSS Political Science-II Past Papers MCQs 2018

Q1: The American congress consist of :
A: 535members
B: 536 members
C: 538 members
D: None of these
Q2: The national security council in Pakistan consist of:
A: 8 members
B: 10 members
C: 12 members
D: None of these
Q3: Basic democracy was introduced in Pakistan in :
A: 1960
B: 1962
C: 1964
D: None of these
Q4: Ali Khaminai is:
A: Chairman of the Guardian council
B: Spiritual leader of Iran
C: Nuclear chief delegate
D: None of these
Q5: Abdul Kalam was a:
A: Foreign Minister of Bangladesh
B: Minister of Sri Lanka
C: President of India (mow Pratibha Patel)
D: None of these
Q6: Lok Saba is elected for:
A: 4 years
B: 5 year
C: 6 years
D: None of these
Q7: The Turkish president is elected for:
A: 5 years
B: 6 years
C: 7 years
D: None of these
Q8: Russian president is elected for:
A: 4 years (6 years from 2012)
B: 5 years
C: 6 years
D: None of these
Q9: The Turkish Grand National Assembly consist of
A: 450 members
B: 500 members
C: 550 members
D: None of these
Q10: Who was the main Leader of China after Independence?
A: Lio Shao Chi
B: Mao Tse Dong
C: Chu Teh
D: None of these
Q11: The Iranian constitution consist of:
A: 150 Articles
B: 175 Articles
C: 190 Articles
D: None of these
Q12: Pakistan‘s National assembly is elected for:
A: 4 years
B: 5 years
C: 6 years
D: None of these
Q13: The National people Congress in China is elected for:
A: 4 years
B: 5 years
C: 6 years
D: None of these
Q14: Quaid-e-Azam Muhammed Ali Jinnah died on:
A: September 11,1947
B: September 11,1948
C: October 11, 1949
D: None of these
Q15: Legislative powers of House of Lords in Britain were curtailed by:
A: Bill of Rights of 1689
B: Magna carta of 1215
C: The Parliament Act of 1911
D: None of these
Q16: The position of the king was subordinated to Parliament by:
A: The Parliament Act of 1949
B: The Glorious Revolution of 1688
C: The statute of West Minister
D: None of these
Q17: In which year Muslim League demanded constitutional reforms in India?
A: 1928
B: 1929
C: 1930
D: 1927
Q18: Vice-President is the presiding Officer of upper house of Legislature in:
A: United states of America
B: India
C: Both A&B
D: None of these
Q19: Tenure of French Senate is:
A: 5 years
B: 4 years
C: 6 years
D: None of these
Q20: The constitution of India was promulgated on:
A: 26th November 1949
B: 21st February 1948
C: 26th January, 1950
D: None of these

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