CSS General Science And Ability Past Papers MCQs 2017
Q1: The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is:
A: Ethylene
B: Ethane
C: Carbon Dioxide
D: Acetylene
Q2: What is the closest planet to Earth?
A: Mars
B: Venus
C: Mercury
D: None of these
Q3: Sulfuric acid was prepared by:
A: Johann Glauber
B: Peregrine Phillips
C: Jabber Bin Hayyan
D: None of these
Q4: The name of the disease called Lock-Jaw is:
A: Arthritis
B: Tetanus
C: Hyperopia
D: None of these
Q5: The longest and largest bone in the human body is:
A: Spinal Cord
B: Humerus
C: Febula
D: Femur
Q6: The branch of physics which deal with the atomic nuclei is called:
A: Nuclear Physics
B: Atomic Physics
C: Particle Physics
D: Modern Physics
Q7: Sonar is used to measure:
A: The speed of sound
B: Ocean Depth
C: Water properties of temperature
D: None of these
Q8: Stone used in which whitewash:
A: Claystone
B: Stonelime
C: Sandstone
D: None of these
Q9: Radar received waves called:
A: Electromagnetic Waves
B: Mechanical Waves
C: Radio Waves
D: None of these
Q10: Plaster of paris is obtained from:
A: Brochantite
B: Gypsum
C: Chalcanthite
D: None of these
Q11: Phosphorus help plants growth of:
A: Leaves
B: Seeds
C: Roots
D: None of these
Q12: The blue color of sky is due to:
A: Sky Saturation
B: Mie Scattering
C: Rayleigh Scattering
D: None of these
Q13: Newspaper can be recycled:
A: 5 to 7 times
B: 5 times
C: 4 times
D: None of these
Q14: Blood clotting happens in which part of human body:
A: Veins
B: Heart
C: Brain
D: None of these
Q15: Lens used to correct short sightedness:
A: Concave Polygon
B: Concave
C: Concave Mirror
D: None of these
Q16: Catalyst to convert oil into ghee:
A: Nickel
B: Aluminium Isopropoxide
C: Phosphonium Borat
D: None of these
Q17: Conversion of oil into ghee:
A: Crystallization
B: Hydrogenation
C: Oxidation
D: None of these
Q18: In a certain code language computer is written as RFUVQNPC. How will be medicine written in code language?
Q19: A told B that C Is his father\'s nephew. D is A\'s cousin but not the brother of C. What relationship is there between D and C
A: Father
B: Brother & Sister
C: Aunt
D: Mother
Q20: It takes Ali 30 minutes to mark a paper. Aslam only needs 25 minutes to mark a paper. If they both start marking papers at 11:00 AM, at what time they will finish marking at the same time:
A: 12.30
B: 12:45
C: 1:30
D: 12:25