CSS Political Science-II Past Papers MCQs 2020

Q1: Objective Resolution was passed on:
A: 23 March, 19640
B: 12 March, 1949
C: 14 August, 1956
D: None of these
Q2: briefest constitution of the wondy
A: India
B: New Zealand
C: Uk
Q3: The number of members of Electoral College in USA is
A: 537
B: 538
C: 539
D: 534
Q4: Which of the following countries has no party system?
A: Libya
B: Saudi Arabia
C: Japan
D: Russia
Q5: Who among the following is regarded as The Father of Russian Revolution\"?
A: Kerensky
B: Trotsky
C: Karl Marx
D: Lenin
Q6: Who was the President of USA at the time of creation of Pakistan?
A: Theodore Roosevelt
B: John Adams
C: Henry Truman
D: Woodrow Wilson
Q7: How many countries are there in the world which have unwritten constitutions?
A: 3
B: 5
C: 7
D: 8
Q8: The Estrada doctrine is concerned with:
A: Intervention
B: Custom
C: State Succession
D: Recognition
Q9: In what year did the Glorious Revolution in which William and Mary were put on the throne of England occur?
A: 1608
B: 1688
C: 1655
D: 1680
Q10: When was the constitution of India enforced?
A: August 15, 1947
B: October 2, 1952
C: January 26, 1950
D: None of these
Q11: The membership of US Electoral College tands at:
A: 536
B: 538
C: 540
D: 545
Q12: Who was the President of USA during World War II?
A: Theodore Roosevelt
B: Franklin D. Roosevelt
C: James Buchanan
D: Woodrow Wilson
Q13: Which of the following party system is introduced in Italy?
A: No party system
B: Single party system
C: Double party system
D: Multi party system
Q14: The voting age in U.S.A is
A: 18 years
B: 19 years
C: 20years
D: None of these
Q15: \"Balance of power in international relations refers to
A: Comparing the policies of European nations
B: Flexibility and stability of states
C: Policies of non-alliance
D: Matching the power of one state against the power of another
Q16: What is the chief instrument of foreign policy?
A: Elections
B: Intelligence
C: Diplomacy
D: United Nations
Q17: Imperialism refers to
A: Rule by a monarchy
B: Influence by one nation over another
C: Mercantilism
D: Superiority of one race over another
Q18: Watergate scandal came to light in
A: 1973
B: 1974
C: 1975
D: None of these
Q19: Who is known as the \'Iron Lady’?
A: Condolisa Rice
B: Margaret Thatcher
C: Indira Ghandi
D: None of these
Q20: French System of government is:
A: Semi Presidential
B: Parliamentary
C: Mixed
D: None of these

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